At Life Challenge, we have a simple hope: to Know Jesus Christ and to Make Him Known! Our ministries come in all shapes and sizes.
Kid Challenge
Our Children’s ministry allows children to hear and rejoice while learning about the good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to create a fun and loving environment for all Children. Children’s ministry is available for grades Kinder – 5th grade each Sunday morning at 9:45am.
Student Ministry
Youth ministry is available for all ages each Sunday morning at 10am. 6-12 year olds meet each Tuesday night from 5:30pm - 6:30pm for additional bible study. We are currently studying the book of Acts.
Young Adult Ministry
Life Challenge Young Adults provides opportunities for adults from 18- 30 to get together to ask and seek wisdom from those who are seasoned in Doctrine and Christian Living skills.
Life Challenge offers a variety of music and arts programs for people of all ages. We desire to use our gift as a way to worship and praise God. Our purpose is to provide music and support for all worship services, as well as special programs that occur throughout the year.
We are always looking for new members in the music ministry, and you are welcome to join at any time during the year. Become involved in an exciting ministry where something is always bound to happen. You’ll be glad you did! For any additional information please email Leaders: Brian & Marie Jones
Life Challenge is pleased to offer a high-quality production environment in our Media Ministry.
The production team facilitates the gospel through new technologies to reach the next generation. Our purpose and focus is to create a high quality and distraction free environment while simultaneously creating an immersive spiritual atmosphere where people can experience God in an unforgettable way.
We are an extension of every ministry in the church. We believe and serve by our core values: “Excellence is a choice”, “Praise before Production”, “Keep the Vision”, and “It’s NOT about you”.
We are always looking for new members in the Media Ministry, and you are welcome to join at any time during the year.
The Life Challenge Bookstore offers biblically sound resources for our congregation. We offer a wide range of resources and gifts to help you on your faith journey.
We have a variety of books on spiritual growth, bibles, workbooks, as well as commentaries, and reference works. Come visit our bookstore to see the latest titles from best-selling Apostolic authors and many more…
Aquí en Life Challenge nos congregamos etnias y nacionalidades diversas. Desde que Dios lo llama al ministerio, nuestro pastor Dan Smelser, siempre a tenido una gran pasión por alcanzar la comunidad hispana. De igual manera, nuestra iglesia esta para servir y crear un ambiente para que se sienta en casa al congregarse con nosotros.
Somos un pueblo entregados completamente al Señor Jesus y nuestra pasion es proclamar el evangelio en todo obra. Nuestra meta es mostrar el amor de Dios a cada instante.